Company Info

Message from representatives

CEO Keitaro HaradaPresident Masayoshi Yokoo

Globally redefining “happy” by using our monozukuri technology
to realize the good life for all.

Amid the recent wave of globalization, HappyJapan Inc. was launched in October 2014 by merging three core companies of the Happy Group. As for our company name, “Happy” follows the founding spirit of making people happy; “Japan” signifies our spirit to create reasonably priced products of high quality through Japan’s meticulous monozukuri.

Now, after more than half a century of delivering products that enrich people’s lives, we wish to create unprecedented products and ideas as well as generating impressions and joy that exceed customer expectation.

In line with this vision, we united as HappyJapan and, with our global partners, take up a new and exciting challenge. With our founder’s original inspiration in mind, we shall raise the bar on our superior monozukuri beyond the bounds of country and technology to realize everyone’s idea of happiness.


Inspire customers with our monozukuri* and
be a company that generations come to rely on.


Our Monozukuri*

  • Make products that anticipate customer needs.
  • Create new business areas through Mechatronics R&D.
  • Improve the quality of life and livelihood for all customers.
  • Fulfill our social responsibility and be environmentally friendly.

*Monozukuri literally means “making things” in Japanese but embraces the skill, spirit, and zest to produce excellent products.